The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. (Genesis 2:15 (ESV) Labor Day weekend is often called the official end of summer. In past years it signaled the start of school. It’s not that way anymore in our state since the schools are air-conditioned now and the legislature mandated …
“Where Do You Get Your Ideas?”
Ideas come from ordinary, everyday life. And from imagination. And from feelings. And from memories. Memories of dust in my sneakers and humming whitewalls down a hill called Monkey. ~Jerry Spinelli “Where do you get your ideas?” I’m guessing that is a question many writers have tried to answer, including Jerry Spinelli in the quote above. Imagination can be a …
Cutting All Those Unnecessary Words
A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. ~William Strunk, Jr. Oh, the joys of editing. Actually, editing is the easiest part for me when I’m writing. Of course, I have to admit that I find editing and …
When Life Happens
February has been an interesting month down here on the farm. It all started on the first day of the month. Darrell hadn’t been feeling well, thought he might have a virus, but his group was supposed to sing that Thursday night. He had been looking forward to that, so he felt a little better, got ready and went. He …
The Winter Drearies
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary. ~Edgar Allan Poe Do you ever get the mid-winter drearies? I like living in a place that has seasons. I like going from spring to summer to fall and even to winter, except sometimes winter seems a few weeks too long. And winter has a way of hiding the …
A Long Time Dream
Here’s a bonus blog post this week as Rose McCauley and I share posts. Hers here on my blog and mine over on her blog. Plus, we’re both doing a giveaway. Rose has offered a print copy to a lucky reader who leaves a comment answering her question below. (USA only) Or she’ll send you a e-copy if you prefer …
The End Holds Hands with The Beginning
“The beginning and the end reach out their hands to each other.” (Chinese Proverb) One more time I have written those two oftentimes elusive words. The end. I’m not sure I’ve written the right words before those two necessary words, but as the King suggests in the quote below, I stopped. “Begin at the beginning,”, the King said, very gravely, …
Fitting Together the Pieces
Quilts connect the past with the present and the future. Since I let Wednesday slip by without thinking about it being Wednesday, I came up a post short on One Writer’s Journal this week. That happens sometimes when I’m trying to dig a new story out of my head and working toward a deadline. So I went into my blog …
Happy Hollyhill New Year
January 1, 1967 Jocie Brooke here reporting from Hollyhill on New Year’s Day. Can you believe it’s 1967? Sixty-seven!! I’m fifteen. Grown. Old enough to behave myself, Aunt Love says. Old enough to fall in love, Leigh says. Old enough to take a trip to Jupiter, Wes says. Old enough to understand a few things about life, Dad says. Tabitha …
Story Webs
We live in a web of ideas, a fabric of our own making. ~Joseph Chilton Pearce I’m editing my latest story right now. While I was writing this story that won’t be published until next September 2017, I sometimes felt as though I was having to dredge up every word. I wasn’t sure any word I was finding was a …